
-- quantumParadoxial [QP] and sethWhite [SW] began talking to gumDrop [GD] --

QP: Gumdrop! How do things fare?
GD: Not good, Quantum. Justin's in there making a fool of himself.
QP: Tell me something I don't know.
SW: Wait hold on. Why is he not freaking out?
QP: Why would he?
SW: Most people freak out when they see a face floating in thin air!
GD: Hi...I'm uh right here.
QP: Seth, it's Gumdrop. He probably doesn't pay attention to those things.
GD: Um...yes I do. Who's your friend?
SW: I'm just saying, most people freak out. Justin for one.
QP: He was delirious.
SW: Whoa. Justin was right. Gumdrop does talk too much!
QP: Sorry, Gumdrop. You were saying?
GD: Who's your friend?
QP: Oh. He's Seth. He's helping me save you and Justin.
GD: I'm in favor of leaving him here.
QP: Y'know. I would be too, but he has a company to run. Anyway, after we save you guys, I'm going to help him find his wife. She's lost in our dimension.
GD: Wait. Are you suggesting the possibility of multiple dimensions?
QP: Verily.
SW: I'm losing minutes, Quantum.
QP: Okay. Here's the deal. I want you to know we're looking for a way to save you guys. We're still searching. Also, look out for more Galactic Goop. It could be roaming around these caves.
QP: There's a good chance that there is more of it around here. If it copied your abilities...
SW: Needless to say, it would not be good. Anyway. Nice meeting you Gumdrop! Bye!
QP: By--

-- quantumParadoxial [QP] and sethWhite [SW] ceased talking --

GD: Weird...


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