P2: Engage future self

You decide to talk to your future self. Maybe he can help you out.

--adamLockwood [AL] began talking to futureadamLockwood [FAL]--

AL:  So it's you again.
FAL: You got a problem with that? I was just here a couple minutes ago!
AL:  DUDE! You've been gone for more than TEN YEARS!
FAL: Ugh. I told Veronica her Timey-Wimey Vorpal Manipulator Backpack was messed up!
AL:  I'll say! You ran off with my laptop, and mom wouldn't buy me another one!
FAL: Sorry bro.
AL:  Why did you need my laptop anyway? What could possibly have happened that you needed my laptop for?
FAL: I can't tell you now. It's very complicated.
AL:  How so?
FAL: It...it just is. You'll find out soon enough. AFTER you start your expedition.
AL:  Great. My own self is keeping me in the dark. Can you tell me who this Veronica is?
FAL: I'm not one for spoilers...
AL:  It's okay. Spoil me.
FAL: Fine. Veronica is the third player in the expedition game. She's also...um...
AL:  Um what?
FAL: Well, she uh...
AL:  She what?
FAL: She's nothing. You'll meet her soon enough.
AL:  Fine. What is up with this journey I'm about to go on?
FAL: Well. Simply put, a while back, some deadly agents of Vorxium, the dark ruler of the Universe for the past 29 years, have broken out of a prison. They are in control of several quadrants in your country and a couple worlds in our universe. The Agency has been spending the past two years scouting for the top four teenagers who can combat the darkness. There are two boys, one girl, and an alien. Each one shows exceptional talent.
AL:  Okay...okay. I'm trying to take this all in. You said an Agency was scouting teens?
FAL: Yes. They are the Paradox Police. You'll meet them in due time. There's a lot going on that even they aren't completely in the know about.
AL:  Like what?
FAL: I've said too much. I have to go. Veronica's waiting on me. She and I got paired together. Johnny and Nri'thub are a different team.
AL: Johnny?...Nri'thub?
FAL: I've said too much. Sorry, bro. Gotta jet.

FAL: Oh crud. I am going to yell at Veronica when I get back.
AL:  Why? What's happened?
FAL: The timey-wimey control panel in my backpack has been fried! I'm going to need to use a major power source to revamp it up. Is there anyway you can help me?
AL:  I can try...

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