Goggles: Question Aurora

-- captainGoggles [CG] began talking to auroraIlluminos [AI] --

CG: Aurora, who is that girl on the seventh screen?
AI: Captain, that would be Elise Torchin. Or White, I should say.
CG: White? That’s Seth’s last name. Does that mean…
AI: Yes. That means that Elise and Seth are married.
CG: I feel like I should know her…
AI: You’d better! She’s the girl you rescued from the ocean!
CG: That’s right! These stories are more intertwined that I thought!
AI: I should hope so, after all, we’re destined to meet to repel the darkness from my father’s universe!
CG: I hope that is the case.
AI: It most certainly is, and my father will return to see Vorxium’s reign overthrown. This universe has lived in darkness for far too long. Now, we must leave quickly. We will have to return to your kingdom of Atlania. We can find Elise there, and take her to the planet O. There, we will reunite with the others! Now, we need to--
CG: Hold on, Aurora. You’re rushing too far ahead of me.
AI: How so?
CG: I’m still trying to take in all of this! There are so many stories to handle. Is there anyway you can give me a full recap of what has happened thus far?
AI: I suppose I can. My original plans were to reveal all to everyone once we were all together, but I suppose I can reveal the past to you.
CG: Thank you, Aurora!
AI: You are most certainly welcome, Captain.

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