You knock the strange civilian to the ground. Now is time for full interrogation!
-- ??????? [??] began talking to eliseTorchin [ET] –
??: Ow! That really hurt!
ET: Can it, sister! You have information and I want it!
??: Listen! I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just the Captain’s sidekick!
ET: Really? Well then, what do you have to say about my Sonic Screwdriver? It’s been destroyed!
??: We…we tried using it and it shorted out! You fell into water, and I guess there was an electrical malfunction!
ET: What?
??: We…we took apart your device to create a newer more refined version for you. That’s the device with the green light bulb on it.
ET: I…I don’t know what to say…
??: I’m sorry for all the confusion.
ET: No, that’s okay. I’m sorry for beating you up.
??: Haha! It’s all good. I’ve been beat up by worse.
ET: What did you say your name was again?
??: Oh, of course. I’m Miss May, heroine of Atlania and partner in crime of Captain Goggles! I’m also a top lab technician here in the kingdom.