Seth: Go to jail room

You and Quantum go to the jail room. Much to your dismay, you find Gumdrop cornered by a giant shadowy monster. You wish you could do something quickly, but there is no way into the cell.

QP: This is the Galactic Goop, Seth. Or rather, this is a giant form of the Galactic Goop. 
SW: I see....
QP: My doppelgänger must have left it behind when he trapped Justin and Gumdrop in the cell.
SW: That's crazy, but I guess it could happen...why is it so huge?
QP: It must have grown over time and gotten larger, waiting for it's moment to strike.
SW: But why here? Why now?
QP: I wish I could answer that. Maybe the Goop has targeted Gumdrop, and was waiting until he was alone to attack. I mean, until recently, Gumdrop was surrounded by me and Justin. Not necessarily the best time to strike, if you know what I mean.
SW: We have to help him!
QP: Seth, there's no way into the cell. There isn't a keyhole to open it.
SW: Quantum, can't I just cut through these bars?
QP: Come now, White. We must be civil here. I went through this whole ordeal about 139 pages ago.
SW: It seems pretty pointless. Why can't we do that?
QP: Because there's no keyhole!!!
SW: Quantum, now you're just confusing me. We have to help Gumdrop!
QP: It's out of our hands now, Seth. I'm sorry
SW: Great...

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