Production Blog: I'd Rather Call it a Blag

Even blarg would be a better name. Imagine somebody calling it a blargosphere. Like, come on, why is this not a thing?

Current Song on Play: Whatever is stuck in my head which at the moment is some song by The Black Keys which I can't remember the title to. Oh wait now after a while it's one of the overworld themes from Okami.

Well, I guess I couldn't avoid blagging here since I joined the blag in the first place. It seems that the inevitability of joining a blag has caught up to me. So, I guess I'll write a blag post about stuff.

In the past (few days? weeks?) I've been working on some stuff for this site. Most notably is that snazzy-looking banner up there. See it? Way up there at the top of the page? Yup, I did some work on that thing. And take a gander at your browser title bar thingy. See the little almost-looks-like-Gumdrop-dude? Yes, that was my work as well.

But enough about me. This blag is about you, the readers, of which there seems to be a notable lack. Probably because this is a little project of a(n) (adjective) kid who does stuff in his free time and does not have a lot of cred like somebody like Andrew Hussie (oh yeah, forgot to mention, I read Homestuck). It'd be especially cool if there was anybody I knew (besides M-Log himself) who actually would read this.

On another note, the name M-Log. Like, what's up with the name M-Log? Well, it actually started with my brother. He was called D-Log. And then I was called A-Log. And then this guy, he starts calling himself M-Log! The nerve of him, stealing my nickname like that (not being serious here, this was a joke).

M-Log: Actually, I thought it was a nice name. But I also go by "Spycomic (which is an entirely other story and just a main screen name, mind you , M-Log, and Michael." M-Log is just a nice name and it really sticks when I'm almost beating you and your brother at Mario Kart, but in reality only beating your brother and my younger brother. You reign supreme in those battles.

Battles? More like feeble attempts of flies to catch up to a military jet. Unless the jet pilot gets distracted by the amazing clouds below him (which are amazing). Anyhow, that's off topic.

Oh hey I just looked at the previous Production Blag post and saw that most of this information is redundant (and repetitive, too). So I'll move onto things you've never heard before.

omg there's a tutorial for the wabsite in the making??? No way, you say!! That would be amazing if it were true! I'll let M-Log comment on this because I've already talked about myself way too much. Oh, yeah, I also want to mention, there's a secret banner somewhere out there. Like, see the one up there with all the good guys? Imagine one with all the bad guys. Would that be cool or what? Yup, there's a secret banner. You'll never find it probably until Act 7 comes out (or if you type a number after the second s in scribonius that I will not specify beyond the fact that it is between 0 and 100).

So, what is up with the global obsession with zombies and vampires yo? Nah, not really, I am not going to comment on that. You're welcome. I hate zombie obsessions and vampire obsessions even more.

Well, I guess I got my 2.5 cents' worth in here now, so I will conclude by saying Hi and now you kind of know me sort of but not really beyond probably what I just said here and what M-Log has commented on before.

(Hint: click on my name because I am a html wizard)

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